Category Archives: Technology

March Madness

Back in January, I had every intention of updating this weekly, but once the semester starts, all bets were off. It’s been a crazy few weeks, juggling several research projects, two classes and compiling everything needed for my recontracting at … Continue reading

Posted in Conferences, Events, Technology, Tools and Scripts, Web Mapping | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Thoughts on the start of the Spring Semester

Today marks the beginning of the Spring Semester. For many students, this will be their last semester at Rowan University. For me, I’ll be teaching GIS II, which is mostly upperclassmen, and Intro to Mapping and GIS, which is more … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching, Technology | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

2cm Photography of the Ongoing Flooding in Queensland

NearMap has released an interactive map showing the imagery acquired this week of the flooding around Brisbane. 2cm imagery, less than a week old, available around the world through the internet. Pretty soon, laughing about how some fools think the … Continue reading

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Repetitive tasks are what computers do best.

Python is worlds apart from VB in all the right ways. Continue reading

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MAC URISA and posts from the conference

I’ll be at MAC URISA in Atlantic City from the 4th until the 6th. On the 4th, I’ll be conducting a introductory-level workshop on Distributed GIS. On Tuesday the 5th, John Hasse and I will be at the Interactive Expo … Continue reading

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Unmoderated communities aren’t communities.

Without a fear of social repercussions for anti-social behavior, online communities without moderation often devolve into a cesspool. Take for instance InsiderPages, a hybrid yellow pages with reviews. There are countless sites like this out there, all suffering from the … Continue reading

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Location-based services may be a hard sell.

How will our location-based services be perceived by the public? Will our smart web maps be seen as black magic? Continue reading

Posted in Data, Google, Privacy, Technology, Web Mapping | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Changing Landscapes: Final Thoughts

I stuck to this schedule because any project without clearly defined goals and time lines are doomed to mediocrity. You can only exceed expectations if you have them in the first place. Continue reading

Posted in Data, Technology, Web Mapping | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Changing Landscapes: A Million Little Tiles

The New Jersey Land Change Viewer, the online component of the Changing Landscapes research project required the generation of approximately one million map tiles. These tiles needed to be served quickly – the online viewer is meant to make the … Continue reading

Posted in Aerial Photography, Data, In the News, Technology, Visualization, Web Mapping | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Changing Landscapes: Brainstorming

Back in June, the New Jersey DEP Bureau of GIS released the 2007 Land Use/Land Cover data. The data was released in record time, just slightly over 3 years from the aerial photography date. We felt that we needed to … Continue reading

Posted in Data, Google Maps, In the News, Technology, Visualization, Web Mapping | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments