
You will find below links to presentations authored and delivered by John Reiser at numerous GIS and Planning related conferences. All of the materials are released under a CC BY-NC-SA license, unless specified otherwise.

Spatial SQL Workshop

At MAC URISA 2018, I conducted a full-day workshop on SQL, specifically touching upon spatial analysis functions in PostGIS. The workshop presentation and materials are available over at

Data Access Driving Innovation

Part of a panel on Using Data and GIS to Identify Opportunities at the 2017 Governor’s Conference on Housing and Economic Development.

Habitat Change Analysis Program

A talk on the collaboration between Rowan and NJ DEP on assessing how land use change has affected threatened and endangered species habitat in New Jersey since 1986.

Python Programming and GIS

A full-day session for the MAC URISA 2014 Spring Meeting, held at the Carl Fields Center, Princeton University.

The slide deck is also available on Slideshare.

Informing Local Level Planning Decisions through Web Based GIS

Presented at the 2013 URISA GIS-Pro conference in Providence, RI.

Building a Different Kind of GIS Platform Using Open Source Tools

An introduction to Rowan GeoLab’s NJ MAP project. Presented at the September 2013 New Jersey Geospatial Forum, Trenton, NJ.

Managing the Human Environment using GIS

Presented at Burlington County’s 2012 GIS Day.

Going Mobile with HTML5

Facilities & GIS

Invited lecture for the Spring 2012 meeting of NJ APPA. Presented with Mike King and Chris Nagy, two of our Rowan Facilities interns.

Mapping the Way: GIS Internship with the National Guard

Presented at the 2011 Esri EdUC Conference with Amy Fread, one of the interns in the National Guard internship program.

License Monitoring Tools Lightning Talk

I gave a quick talk on my License Monitoring Tools at the Philly DevMeetup in December of 2011.

APA-NJ 2010 Conference

A walkthrough of several cloud-based productivity, presentation and GIS tools for planners.

View the presentation and materials page for my workshop, “Planning in the Cloud.”


Introduction to Distributed GIS Services is a full-day, pre-conference workshop that covers the basics behind Distributed GIS, ranging from network-aware data formats such as KML to developing a cloud-based web mapping application.

View the presentation and materials page for “Getting your Data Out There: An Introduction to Distributed GIS” presented at MAC URISA’s 2010 Conference.

OSM Export Tool Lightning Talk

A lightning talk (10 minutes maximum) on my Export to OSM script presented at the NYC and Philly ESRI DevMeetup.

Rowan GeoLab & Changing Landscapes in the Garden State

Presented to the New Jersey Geospatial Forum by John Hasse and John Reiser. Provides an overview of the work performed by the Rowan Geospatial Research Lab. Includes a brief discussion of the “Changing Landscapes” report and accompanying New Jersey Land Change Viewer.

Python and ModelBuilder

A two-day course in ArcGIS’s ModelBuilder and an introduction to extending your GIS capabilities through Python. A collaboration with Lyna Wiggins from Rutgers-New Brunswick.

View Course Materials

Cartography: Needed More Now Than Ever

Presentation for the 23rd Annual DEP Mapping Contest.

Internet-enabled GIS Using Free and Open Source Tools

Presented at the 2009 Spring Meeting of MAC URISA.

OSG Analysis on the Gloucester County Rail Line Study

Presentation to the State Planning Commission in December 2008. This presentation later became the “Analysis of South Jersey Rail Expansion Alternatives” report released by the Office of Smart Growth.