Category Archives: ESRI

Leveraging the Power of Spatial Databases

I’m out at the ESRI DevSummit this year, and tonight I presented the following talk on using SQL to perform spatial analysis tasks. The presentation slides are included here. I tried to squeeze in several examples, including mapping 2,199 farms … Continue reading

Posted in Conferences, ESRI, Events, PostgreSQL, Technology, Tools and Scripts | Comments Off on Leveraging the Power of Spatial Databases

Map Maker for carto-masochists, part 1

Why make data created of the third world (and likely by individuals in the third world) a for-sale product for a first world company? Continue reading

Posted in Data, ESRI, Google, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Technology, Uncategorized, Web Mapping | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

ArcGIS: strong enough for Server, pH balanced for Desktop

James Fee pointed out how ArcGIS is undergoing minor rewording as part of the changes coming to the software at version 10.1. One thing to note is that the ArcView license level is now Basic, while the ArcEditor level is … Continue reading

Posted in ESRI, In the News | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Some thoughts on the ESRI DevSummit

I’m back from the sixth ESRI DevSummit. It was a great event full of informative sessions, socializing and networking. This was one of the first conferences in a while where I did not participate more than simply attending. The DevSummit … Continue reading

Posted in Conferences, ESRI, Events, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Repetitive tasks are what computers do best.

Python is worlds apart from VB in all the right ways. Continue reading

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ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap

ESRI has just released an add-in for ArcGIS 10 allowing ArcGIS users to download data from and contribute to OpenStreetMap. Marten Hogeweg announced the tool and news spread pretty quickly. While I agree with the favorable reception the tool has … Continue reading

Posted in ESRI, In the News, OpenStreetMap, Tools and Scripts | 3 Comments

ArcGIS available on the iPhone

ESRI has released ArcGIS for iPhone. It’s now available through the App Store. It’s an iPad/iPhone app, so it should work well on both. I just tried it out on my iPhone, and it’s pretty snappy. The data loads quickly … Continue reading

Posted in ESRI, OpenStreetMap, Technology | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Script: Geotagged Photos to GIS

I think it’s somewhat ridiculous that ArcGIS Explorer has the ability to add geotagged photos to the map, but ArcGIS Desktop doesn’t have a built-in means of recognizing geotagged photos. Continue reading

Posted in Data, ESRI, Visualization | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Google making Map Maker data available for download

OSM needs to spend more time fostering a community outside of the devoted submitters. What is going to prevent Google from offering up a GIS service akin to the Virtual Earth on ArcGIS platform currently being offered by ESRI and Microsoft? Continue reading

Posted in Data, ESRI, Google, Microsoft, Web Mapping | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

MapMPG, ESRI’s practical BusinessMap demo

ESRI recently unveiled MapMPG, a demostration site using BusinessMap and ArcGIS Server with a Flex front end. It allows you to choose a point and visualize the range two different car makes could travel on one gallon of gas. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Data, ESRI, Web Mapping | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment