After far, far too long, I’m updating this blog. I originally intended to use this blog to highlight interesting geography and GIS articles with a short commentary. I’ve decided to change direction – the updates you find here will be (hopefully) substantial updates and original content. I hope to return to somewhat frequent posting, at least once a week.
So what about those links I should’ve been postin’? Well, geography and GIS links are now “microblogged” using Twitter and Facebook. My new employer, Rowan University, is working to develop a Geographic Research Lab. I’ve created a page for the Lab on Rowan’s web site, Facebook, and Twitter. If you’re interested in GIS/Geography news, check us out.
In the near future, I hope to have an update here about my experience uploading a very large GIS data set to OpenStreetMap. We’ll see how that goes, considering my wife’s due date is next week.